Themes of the colloquium

Five themes are proposed:

Th 1. Adapt behavior to the use of resources and animals

Biophysical strengths and constraints, herd resources and productivity in pastoral systems, how to articulate
pastoral and other livestock systems?

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Th 2. Climate change and the environment in pastoralism

Pastoral societies adapted to climate variability for a long time, new challenges ?

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Th 3. Land dynamics and access to pastoral resources

Public policies have evolved considerably, but there is an increasing number of conflicts and debates.
Reforms are underway in many locations.

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Th 4. Societal developments and pastoralism

How could we better explain the social dimensions in the access to social services, human health, schooling, youth, relationship to modernization, security..

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Th 5. Ecosystemic contributions of pastoralism

How pastoral systems contribute to the provision of goods and services and the fulfillment of livestock products demands, responsiveness to needs, regional integration, cross-border and value chain development.

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